
Thursday, July 31, 2008

Dirty Little Secret

I have a confession to make: I am a disgustingly judgmental person. You're shocked, right? People don't know this about me. Truly, most people who know me in real life would never guess. Because I hate this aspect of my makeup, and I really do try to be tolerant and mature and overcome it.

Stop laughing.

There are times it cannot be suppressed, though. Like this morning, while walking the dog. I realized that my lovely, friendly neighbor who lets her sweet dog wander off-leash while she walks the track, is never going to notice when/if her dog poops, let alone clean it up. She didn't have any baggies with her, anyway. What a tool. (And yes, I saw the dog poop this morning. But I was too far away and running too late to do anything about it. Mea culpa.)

And like last night, during the kids' day-camp talent show. The mother of a performer went all postal on the mother of a toddler who was enjoying the performance a little - um- vocally. Said toddler happened to squeal while the stage mother's preshus baybee was stumbling over mumbling some lines on stage, and Stage Mom was such a control freak that she basically ordered Toddler Mom and Toddler out of the room. Yeah, she's someone I'd like to party with.


Of course, what goes around comes around. So in the "karma's a bitch" column, I've invited some straight-up judgment on my wee little blog from these folks. They are merciless (and hilarious) and a review of Lemonade & Kidneys will be posted on there on Friday morning.

Start lining up the vodka martinis....


Vinkus07 said...

Say, speaking of judgement - I haven't gotten a reiki verdict yet, at either email address . . . I don't know what your attempt record is, but I'm still bereft over here. Just so you know.

And btw, I don't think judgemental is a bad trait - I've always figured it to be a careful or defensive trait.

Domestic Goddess said...

You? Really?
Dood. I've seen the woman with that dog at the track every morning when I drop the boy off at camp. I keep wanting to pull over and hand her a plastic bag. I don't get it. If the dog goes in her yard, does she clean it up? Or does the dog go all over everyone else's yards? Just wondering.
I think it is ok to be judgmental. Everyone is, to some extent. Believe me, I have HIGH OPINIONS of folks, sometimes in the disability world, too. Don't get me on my soapbox on that one...

RuthWells said...

Vinkus, I've emailed both of your accounts repeatedly and can't understand why my emails aren't reaching you!!

AnnL said...

I think your "judgements" are more than justified, unlike the judgement of the stage-mother. That was totally uncalled for, IMVHO. ;-)


Vinkus07 said...


Do you have an account on the Muse from which you can send my account there a message?

(If you do, I'm not Ripley OR Vinkus over there, look for "Tessie")

Other than that . . . I'm all out of ideas . . . I assume you don't want to post your feedback publicly in a comment . . .

How very stange that my email should be biased against just you . . . lol

Oonie said...

Ah, and I was thinking that would be MY dog you were talking about. Our carbon monoxide detector bit the dust this morning and the death beeps scared the bejeezus out of our poor dog. So I put her in the (fenced) yard. She scaled the fence and took off anyway, she was that scared, and not five minutes later, someone was calling from the playground that they found our dog I didn't even know was lost yet. And I'm sure she left a token of fear on someone's lawn and I just need to offer up a huge apology and take an extra bag next time to pick up some wayward pile, hers or someone else's.
But yeah, who walks a dog without a bag?! Maybe not enough bags, but really.
And don't get me started on how that other doggie trots in the street as if s/he owns it. That's what gets me steamed.

Sue said...

you? judgemental? nah. Not like myself or our purple hydrant friend! ;-)

that stage mother needs treatment. Seriously - feel free to give it!!

Anonymous said...

I'll join you in judgementalness.

Anonymous said...

While it's possible that you are judgmental(though I doubt it), these cases are certainly not any proof of that. Piffle, say I.


Monkey Tale said...

Nothing wrong with a li'l judgement calling now and then. And hey...your review wasn't half bad btw.

AnnL said...

Wow, if she thinks your posts are long, I shudder to think what she'ld say about mine! I enjoy reading your posts and don't think they're long. But, what do I know. Alot of the horse related blogs I read tend to have very long posts--yours are short in comparison.
